
If you are looking for a ministry this is the page. On this page – we list some community ministries and projects. Please click on the following links which will provide you more information.

Jamaica Won by One

In the summer of 2008 one of our college students served on the staff of Jamaica Won by One. In March of 2009 our church sent 10 people to assist a college group group from Georgia during a week long mission trip. The week involves ministering to local people,, building 2 homes, and assisting in the schools and Infirmary located in the are of Harmons, Jamaica. Harmons is a located in the mountains of Jamaica and is home to about 3000 people. The unemployment rate is about 75% and the educational system goes through the 8th grade. You can learn more about their ministry at Jamaica Won by One.

Samaritans Purse

This ministry has promoted and encouraged our people to get involved with the Shoebox ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. For a number of years we have collected shoe boxes and sent them onto Minneapolis which is the regional distribution center. Since 2004 we have had people from our church travel to Minneapolis to help sort Christmas boxes. See the link at Samaritan’s Purse for more information.

Mission Boxes to Papua New Guinea

In March of 2007 on our mission trip to assists with the Regional island Missions conference in PNG, we saw a need for missionaries to be encouraged throughout the year. Every 2 months, we send 2-3 boxes to various missionaries serving in Papua New Guinea with New Tribes Missions.

Sewing Ministry

Chemotherapy Caps = In March of 2006 our church was made aware of a need for chemotherapy caps at the Cancer Center. We gathered a group of people together and started making caps for chemotherapy patients. We were surprised to find out that the cancer center must purchase these and usually has to limit the amount of caps someone may take. We thought this was unacceptable – so Gloria started a community project to meet this need. This page provides some pictures and links for patterns to make the caps. Our leader on this project is Gloria Jackson – so please contact her for any questions you may have.

Ronald McDonald House & Pediatric Children

Our church has provided pillows for children. this project is known as the Benjamin Smiles Pillows for Children = Since the Chemo Cap project went so well – the next project is making small travel pillows for children in Pediatric Hospitals. The church will provide the pillows and the labels – all you need is some fun kid loving material.